About Us

Crafting Dream Journeys

Hello and a hearty welcome to all the soulful wanderers and curious explorers About Us Were Ashwin and Prajakta the passionate pair that pilots Journey Plannify. Journey Plannify isn’t just our blog, it’s a snippet of our lives’ escapades and the wisdom we’ve collected from every corner of the globe since we ventured into the world hand in hand.

We have a confession, though our initial forays into the vast unknown were well somewhat haphazard. Imagine these two bright eyed adventurers making a beeline for tourist traps navigating language barriers like a maze all seasoned with a pinch of impulse. A thinner wallet and lessons learned the hard way.

But between the chaos and blunders an idea struck us like lightning About Us: why not transform our tales of travel trials into treasures for you our fellow travel enthusiasts And voil Journey Plannify sprang to life!

Our Background

From the dizzying heights of the Andes to the soothing shores of Santorini we’ve soaked up different cultures and created a tapestry of travel memories adorned with mishaps and triumphs. We want to bundle these experiences and give them to you as nuggets of actionable advice.

With Ashwin’s decade long corporate hustle and Prajakta’s diverse roles spanning IT banking and media we’ve got our professional ducks in a row. But our travel expertise genuinely shines in smart flight booking snagging air travel deals at just the right moment down to the wire planning and always staying connected thanks to ESIM ready phones!

Our Mission

We’re on a campaign to demystify travel. Every article is crafted to help you intelligently explore new places armed with the best travel gear and know how. Our mission To help you plan, save and savor every moment of your adventure without the pitfalls that cash out your joy.

About us – What We Offer

It is filled to the brim with articles that cover budget travel, the prime times for hitting Book Now and guides for the globetrotters essential gear must haves. Were the trusty compass in your pocket directing you to breathtaking destinations and showing you how to sidestep those oh so cunning travel scams.

We’re all about keeping it real. You won’t find any airbrushed illusions here. We serve up our experiences and advice just like we’d tell it over a campfire, authentic raw and with a touch of humor.

Join Our Tribe

Your best adventures await, we can’t wait to be part of your story. Suppose you’ve got an insatiable itch for discovering the unknown, a penchant for family memories that last a lifetime and adore capturing snapshots in time with yours. In that case photos. In that case ve stumbled upon kindred spirits.

Thank you for letting us be a page in your travel diary. We look forward to sharing the laughter and awe that only comes from basking in the wonders of the world together.

With wanderlust in our hearts and dreams of faraway places twinkling in our eyes,

Ashwin & Prajakta ✈️